Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Stage Two: Article Introduction & Colleague's Blogs

The article I read was "Angry Birds On Sesame Street want Obama to take down PBS ad". The article is basically talking about how the Obama campaign administration is using big bird from Sesame Street in a mocking way for a television ad, which is against Mitt Romney. Obama is trying to make the point by being sarcastic to say that by Romney being in favor of taking away the subsidies that are given to PBS, that big bird is now the enemy for Romney. Romney however, says that since Obama does not have a positive record to back himself up on, that Obama has to be using small issues turning them into huge thing during the elections to distract the audience. Romney uses the example of showing people how many times Obama has brought up the word big bird yet has not brought up much more important issues, such as healthcare. PBS asked the Obama campaign administration to remove the ad since they had not given them permission to use it, and did not want to take part in the politics. This article is worth reading because as people of this country we should be aware of what is going on with the elections, since they are fast approaching. It's interesting in this article that Romney points out and attacks Obama by saying that he tried to cover up the Libya attack in order to make himself look better. This article actually relevant to everyone since these elections have to do with the elections of who could end up becoming the next president so people should know what's going on to see who they will be going for and voting for. I decided to blog about this because this article caught my attention of recent things that are going on. The article has a great video featured on the same page along with the article.

Link to article:

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