Thursday, October 25, 2012

Stage Four: Critique an editorial or commentary from a blog

I read the article The Last Big Chance To Take On Romney's "12 Million Jobs".
This article caught my attention because of how important the elections of president are to the United States. I bet that everyone is just as anxious as myself, to see who the president will end up to be. However, in the mean time the people of this country are tuned into what is going on, regarding Mitt Romney and Obama. The author's intended audience in this article is to all of the United States because at the conclusion of the day everyone should be attentive listening to the changes and updates that relate to the elections. The arguments that the author makes are that these elections' issues that Mitt Romney brings up are all revolving around economics. The author clearly lets the audience know how Mitt Romney is saying how he will bring 12 million jobs into the country but how their would be an increase of jobs being introduced into the country regardless of if he was president. Another argument is that the math is not right because 12 million jobs would not be available just like that within the 4 years of his presidency. The author also goes on to say how Romney had one last chance at explaining himself along with the things that he is promising.I do agree with the author because the economy has been getting better and the increase in jobs is not going to be because of Romney, it is going to happen either way, so I do not believe that Romney should be taking the credit.

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