Friday, November 16, 2012

Stage six: Comment on a colleague's work #1

In my classmate Antonio Barletta’s blog post Get over big bird already, he writes about how he agrees with Mitt Romney's plan of not funding PBS. Also he writes about how people are blowing it out of proportion, just to make Romney look bad. I agree with what Antonio has to say. His first reason was saying how kids learn the same things that Sesame Street teaches them, such as counting, writing and reading. Sesame street is not the only place that kids learn all of these different things. I really do agree and feel that cutting the amount of money that we are borrowing from China is one of the best things that we can possibly do for this country. The USA is already so far in debt, so why add up more to it? PBS I'm sure will be able to manage on it's own.  So many other different channels are able to run without government subsidies and so PBS also doing so seems pretty fair, as well as equal. Blowing what Romney said about cutting funds out of proportion just to make him look bad is just not right at all.

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