Monday, December 3, 2012

Stage Eight: Comment on a Colleague's work

In Andrea Hrejsa's blog post The Court Blog she writes about how the U.S. Supreme court will be making a decision as to when they will be deciding on the issue of same sex marriage. The U.S. Supreme court will be deciding if same sex marriage is constitutional or not.

Certain states around the country, 9 to be exact have already acknowledged same sex marriages. Many brought it to direct democracy to see what the people of the state thought and believed in. The U.S. Supreme court giving the people of the U.S. a time as to when they will decide about this issue is crucial. States in the country are going one way, while the other states are going a completely different way. The Supreme court should come into the problem and address the issue to get to a solution about what is going to happen.

I believe that the Supreme court should not move too fast about making a decision, since people could criticize them about moving way too fast. I feel that they are going to have a bit of a tough time deciding because of what the people are currently in favor for and what the people are saying. Still though the Supreme court might have to take into account that 41 states have not adapted to what other states are doing, which is a huge number, as well as the majority. If two people of the same sex want to be together and live as one then that should be their decision. I feel that them having a civil union would be a better title though.,0,511659.story?page=1